Sheridan Bond Calculator

Using the Calculator

This calculator estimates your potential monthly tax if the 2025 Sheridan School Bond is approved by voters. Once you've obtained your property's assessed value, input the value into the calculator to estimate your potential monthly tax liability if the bond measure were to pass.

Determine Your Property's Assessed Value

In Oregon, property taxes are calculated based on the assessed value (AV) of your property, not its real market value (RMV). The AV is the taxable value established under Oregon's property tax system. This system was restructured with the passage of Measure 50 in 1997, which set the AV for the 1997–98 tax year at 90% of the property's 1995–96 RMV and limited its annual growth to 3%, with certain exceptions.

How to Find Your Assessed Value in Yamhill or Polk County

To locate your property's assessed value in Lane County, refer to your annual property tax statement or use the county's online resources. The Yamhill County Assessment & Taxation Department provides a property search tool, where you can search for your property by address or tax account number to find your statement and property’s assessed value. Polk County Assessment & Taxation also provides a property search tool.

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